Tuesday, April 20, 2010

One Week

I love this picture, although it makes him look so grown up! Where is my little munchkin?

It's been exactly one week since Noah's surgery. Thankfully, he has recovered quite nicely. The first day was a little rough and we spent the whole first day watching Pixar movies. I think he watched Wall-E at least four times! The first night we lovingly refer to as, "The Night from Hades". Medicine was refused, medicine was forced, medicine came right back up. Yuck! After that first day and night, he seemed to improve quickly. He was eating mashed potatoes and playing video games by the second day. This weekend he played some with the girls next door and we had a playdate yesterday with one of his friends from Early Intervention. He hasn't really complained too much. He did say he was sick today and when I asked him if his throat hurt, he said yes. I gave him some pain medicine and he has done fine since.

Mama, on the other hand, is going a little crazy. :)

I am really looking forward to his returning to school next Monday. I love Noah to pieces, but I am really close to reaching my breaking point. I think I am due for a few hours away from my munchkin. I know that I am truly blessed that Noah is as verbal and high functioning as he is, but sometimes the incessant chatter and repetitiveness is overwhelming. He's also developed some vocal stims, mainly when he is playing video games. And I am so sick of Transformers I could just scream. I swear if Noah askes me to "make Bumblebee a robot" or "make Optimus Prime a truck" one more time, I'm leaving home! LOL

Of course, I kid (sort of). Actually, he's been really good considering all that he has gone through. He's been a little whinier than normal and more picky when it comes to eating, but he's really done well. I think that I am just out of practice. I am not used to having him 24/7 since he started school. I guess this is good practice for this summer, as I have major doubts that the district will offer summer services.

Speaking of this summer, Noah's dad and I are trying to find some activities for Noah to be involved in. His OT thinks that Noah would benefit from some social activities. I am all for social activities. The only problem is finding some that are geared toward three-year-olds. All the YMCA activities are for four years and up. I'm sure we will do story time at the local library and probably Families in the Park if it is offered. Our support group is planning some trips to the zoo and things like that. So we have a few ideas, but nothing really scheduled. Anybody have any other ideas?


EJ Willingham said...

I'm glad he's doing well. I hope someone warned you about the scabs coming off somewhere around days 7 to 10. Also, that's a good time to stay on top of the pain meds b/c it hits like a ton of bricks, and then they don't want to swallow the meds.

After we had the three things done that you just had done and the two-week recovery period ended...that was it for strep, ear infections, etc. It was a smart thing for us to do.

Hope he comes through the rest of it well.

Chelli said...

Thanks for the warning. No one said anything about the scabs coming off! I'll make sure we stay on the pain meds until that time frame has passed. Thanks for stopping by!

Jenn E said...

I am glad Noah is doing well. Our local rec center has activities for little ones that we go to from time to time.

And I hear you about them being home 24/7. I didn't want him to go to school at 3 and now when's he's off for too long, I get twitchy!!!


One Mom said...

Glad to hear the little man is doing well!

In Illinois, we have NISRA...which is like a park district, but geared more towards special needs kids. They have loads more activities for younger kiddos than I've been able to find at the Y or through the regular park district. Maybe there's something like this out in your neck of the woods?

We'll be in the same boat with you soon...Chloe will be off for a couple of weeks between regular school and summer school, and then for another 5-6 weeks before things start back up again in the fall.

Isn't it funny how quickly we get used to them being away at school? It was so scary and foreign to me before it started, but now it just seems normal.

kathleen said...

Hi Chelli! Glad your boy is doing better..wish I had suggestions for you..there are more options as they get older..I look forward to him being in school for you as well..:) Yes we love our kids...but sometimes I find I love them even more when the house is peaceful for an hour or so..

Chelli said...

Thanks for stopping by! I'm with ya. I never thought I would be happy to see Noah go back to school...but that changed pretty quickly. :)

One Mom,
It's great that you have NISRA. I don't think we have anything like that around here. We are so backwoods. LOL I'm glad that you are adjusting to Chloe being in school. Sometimes I think it is harder on us when they start than it is on them.

I hear ya! It's nice to have a few hours to yourself.